Prancer: A Christmas Tale directed by Phil Hawkins is a direct-to-video Christmas film from Universal 1440 Entertainment (UK) and Raffaella Productions, based on the 1989 motion picture, that premiered digitally on November 22, 2022, and was made available on physical media a week later.
Oscar® nominee and Emmy Award® winner James Cromwell (“Babe,” “Six Feet Under”) stars in “Prancer: A Christmas Tale,” .
Synopsis: As Christmas approaches in the little town of Brightridge, widowed grandfather Bud is sadly closing down his family hardware store when an accident leaves him in need of help. His son and daughter bring their families to stay with him, help him recuperate, and finish closing the store. But this Christmas season seems especially enchanted once a mysterious reindeer appears around town. Bud and his granddaughter, Gloria, name him Prancer and form a special bond as they decide what he is trying to tell them. When Gloria comes up with a secret plan using him to help save Bud’s store, her family and the whole town come together to realize that he is truly capable of Christmas magic!
Prancer: A Christmas Tale was filmed in Romania at Castel Film Studios, starring Darcey Ewart and Sarah-Jane Potts. More info about casting and production here.
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photo& video source: youtube