The American animated fantasy adventure film The Legend of Ochi directed by Isaiah Saxon and starring Willem Dafoe, Emily Watson, Finn Wolfhard and Helena Zengel is currently shooting in Romania with Castel Film Studios providing services.
The script written by Saxon follows a young girl who runs away from home and manages to communicate with a secluded species of animals called Ochi.
Some scenes have already been shot on location in Transilvania in the Apuseni Mountains, at the Bâlea Lake and on the Transfăgărășan road. The shooting started in Romania on 1 November 2021 and will continue at the Castel Film Studios till 15 December 2021. The film is to be shot entirely in Romania.
The crew includes several Romanian professionals, among them the line producer Cristian Bostănescu, art directors Sorin Dima and Mugur Aurelian Popescu, and special effects supervisor Adrian Popescu.
The film is produced by Encyclopedica Pictura, Neighborhood Watch and Year of the Rat.
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